Conservatives Would Lose A Second Civil War.

Monsieur Z
8 min readJun 1, 2022

Some time ago I made a video covering what might occur during a hypothetical second American Civil War, and though most models we covered ended in a stalemate or Republican victory, the outcome of the 2020 election, and the Republican response to that has put into perspective some major new factors, foremost being a very high threshold for violent action to actually be taken by the right, a very deceptive illusion of unity, and an overestimation by the right of their own superior position. If a New Civil War were to break out in the US within the next few years, it seems quite possible that the Republican or right-wing faction would lose badly, and given present trends, only fare worse the further into the future we go. Here is why that might be the case:

Let’s look at January 6th and the Storming of the Capitol, what has now become the most radical action collectively taken by the modern Right. The events of this and the following days told us a lot about the nature of Right-wing American action and operation.

We didn’t see, in the build up to this event, an organic solidarity and agreement on what to do or how to do it. The pretense of this incident, the outcome of the November election, saw a myriad of reactions from the right until President Trump personally challenged the outcome and gave his definitive narrative on what had happened. This precise point is analogous for a faction leader giving his followers a status report and command, in this case that report and command was that “the election was…

