How to Survive a Great Depression

Monsieur Z
6 min readAug 31, 2022

The stock market is not looking too good.

Gas prices are hitting new highs.

The US is already beginning to experience shortages.

News outlets are warning of a severe recession in the near future.

The United States may be in for a very rough time very soon.

Some have even begun speculating that the US will soon face not merely a recession, but a new Great Depression, and one perhaps even more serve than the last.

We live in a very different environment from that of the 1930s.

The US is deeply in debt. Millions of Americans are dependent upon government and social programs that may not be able to endure the pressure of a depression. Social cohesion is far more eroded than it had been in the past. Common essential jobs in agriculture and industry are far scarcer today then they were back then. Families and individuals require more income in the present day to make ends meet. And perhaps worse yet, several countries and entities around the world are dependent upon the American Superpower in a way no major country had been in the past.

A crash of the US economy would have global economic repercussions, as well as shift the geopolitical playing field. And the US is not the only country facing these issues, though much as in the past, the US is likely to be one of the most severely impacted.

