What If Poland Betrayed Ukraine?

Monsieur Z
7 min readSep 5, 2022

We have said it before, but among Ukraine’s neighbors, perhaps none have proven to be as supportive as the Republic of Poland.

From being the first state to recognize Ukraine’s independence, to campaigning for their ascension into Western institutions like NATO and the EU, and most recently taking one of the earliest and firmest stances against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine.

The Poles have seemingly been anticipating this conflict, and demonstrated repeated attempts to keep Ukraine safe, and its understandable why that is.

The Poles themselves know firsthand over centuries what its like to be partitioned, to be denied statehood or called illegitimate. To live in fear of Russian domination, and to live under that domination.

In truth, as much as Poland has done for Ukraine, it has done what it has more for itself than for anyone else. Poland fears Russia once again threatening its sovereignty. Ukraine has just been a barrier in the way, but if Russia emerges from this conflict victorious, that barrier will be lifted, and the Russian bear will be right at Poland’s doorstep.

Its no wonder then, that when Russia annexed Crimea, Poland demanded a permanent increase of NATO military presence within its borders, anticipating that this was Russia finally making its Westward push, and that Poland would stand at the frontlines of a new Great War. However, for the moment, Russia stopped there.

